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This is an Add From Genii Magazine

You Might Be A Magician If...

Your best pickup line is "Pick a card."

You worry about spending certain piece of change in your pocket.

You bottom deal when playing Go Fish.

You carry 6 decks on you.

Out of the 6 decks you have on you, only one can be used in a card game.

You have a deck of cards, some half dollars, or some quarters within arms reach of the toilet.

You have nightmares about hecklers.

You have to take Loops off your wrist before getting in the shower.

You forget you are wearing a TT until you realize that you can’t type correctly.

You avoid friends to get some practice time in after school.

You INSIST on hanging out with you friends to get some performance time in after school.

You have your local magic shop on speed dial.

It is hard for you to say the numbers 1, 11, 12, 13, and 14 but you CAN say Ace, Jack, Queen, and King.

The only unbent forks in your house are plastic.

You sneeze and immediately produce a Kleenex.

You ask the person at the mechanic if they have "New Card Smell".

You get emotional when shuffling a new deck.

You are scared to invite any layman friends over in fear of them seeing one of your gimmicks that are lying around.

You can't find one of your cards, and it's in a guy's pocket across the room.

The talent show judges throw money into your hat.

You mean to type your email address, but actually write "www.ellusionist.com".

A cashier gives you change and you instinctually French Drop it to put it in your pocket.

All of your clocks in your house have stopped.

You dress as a quarter for Halloween.

You spend 20 bucks for a half dollar.

Your favorite number is 52.

Your favorite colors are red and black.

You can’t find a spare quarter on you, but you can behind someone’s ear.

You are too lazy to pick up a pen, so you just make it float back to you.

You can’t find your wallet, keys, watch, or glasses, but you can pull a signed card out of your ass.

Magic turns you on more than women do.

Your dream date is the Queen of Hearts.

David Blaine’s photo is pasted to your dartboard.

You go through a pack a day…of cards.

To you, a Bike is a deck of cards.

"Bikes and Ho’s" is not a funny phrase to you.

You record every magic special on TV.

All of your water bottles have the caps inside.

You spend the most money on things that other people aren’t allowed to see.

You scan Google for hours looking for free magic,

You switch from bikes to tally ho’s "to make like more exciting".

You only have 48 friends and 4 girlfriends.

You wear playing card pajamas.

You need to search your pocket for an un-bit quarter.

You come home hungry because you used your lunch money in a vanishing act.

You get confused when someone asks to ride bikes.

You can make a forcing deck without buying one.

Your girlfriend knows the sound of riffled cards over the phone.

You buy a pack of cards just because you saw them.

An Ace of Spades is taped to your rear car window.

You walk into your old high school wondering if there are still cards on the ceiling.

You walk into the mall looking for your cards on the ceiling.

You can’t go out in public without being asked to levitate.

All of your pocket change is bent.

Your friends always watch their forks when they eat in front of you.

You always have rubber bands on your wrist.

You only have enough money for gas or magic, so you bum rides off your girlfriend.

The majority of your English papers are about magic.

You have flash paper in your wallet.

You have so much magic stuff in your room that it’s considered a fire hazard.

You can change any meal of the day into a magic routine.

You open a can of soup to find someone’s signed dollar.

You dig through the trash looking for an empty can because you’re thirsty.

The term "cups and balls" doesn’t make you snicker.

You have one or more chipped teeth from biting the wrong quarter.

Everything you see has a possible way to be vanished, produced, or transposed.

You never throw out old decks because you "can make something out of it".

You choose your wardrobe based on what/how many props it can carry.

Your Christmas or Birthday wish list looks like a magic catalogue.

Not one person who knows you wants to play cards with you.

You need a bang ring to access your change.

You forget that "Scotch and Soda" is an actual drink.

You hear someone ask for a Scotch and Soda and you pull out a Half Dollar and a Mexican Centavo.

You come running when you hear cards being shuffled.

You can keep a straight face while telling someone to tightly squeeze your balls in their hand.

You spend more time in front of a mirror than your girlfriend does.

You produce the waitresses’ tip from behind her ear.

You carefully watch a card-playing scene in a movie only to see what kind of cards they’re using.

You are the only one of your male friends that has a "silk collection".

You intricately produce the 4 aces out of the deck, only to lose them back into the deck, just so you can find them again!

You refer to everyday objects as "ordinary".

You are the only one that can have fun with a blank deck.

You refer to handkerchiefs as "silks".

You have over 100 responses to the phrase "How did you do that?"

Your idea of a fun date involves a lady and a saw.

Someone asks for your card and you give them the Ace of Spades.

It bothers you when others shuffle your deck.

You don’t think of a shell as being something found on the beach.

You sit down in a restaurant and survey the area for "props".

You want to put a coin in your left hand, but first you must pick it up with your right.

You lose your thumb and go to the magic shop instead of the emergency room.

Hearing the words "secrets revealed" make you want to hit a guy in a mask.

You don’t think of the raven as bird or work of Edgar Allen Poe.

You fear metal detectors.

You use the word "effect" rather than "trick".

You can produce real money, but you aren’t rich.

National alterations in US currency can REALLY hurt your routine.

You’ve used the force, but you’re not a Jedi.

Someone says they are allergic to Bees and it ruins your routine.

You’ve ever performed a Charlier with 2 packs of Tic-Tacs.

You understood 1 or more of these jokes.


-Jonathan Taylor and Friends

Conjuring Club Member

The 19 Effects of Magic

1. Production: (Appearance, creation, multiplication) The production of a person or an object where nothing appeared before. Something is caused to come into view without apparent clue as to the source.

2. Vanish: (Disappearance, obliteration) The cause of something to pass from sight by unnatural means. [Unnatural meaning that the audience didn’t see you put the object away, you just opened your hand and it was gone.] The reverse of Production.

3. Transposition: (Change in locations) Invisible change in location of a person or an object from one place to another.

4. Transformation: (Change in appearance, character or identity) A person or object changes identity, color size, shape, character, etc.

5. Penetration: (One solid through another) The solid matter of one person or object or thing penetrates the solid matter of another person, object or thing.

6. Restoration: (Making the destroyed whole) The subject of the effect is wholly or partially destroyed and subsequently restored to its original condition.

7. Animation: (Movement imparted to the inanimate) An inanimate object is mysteriously endowed with movement.

8. Anti-Gravity: (levitation and change in weight) The person or thing reacts contrary to the laws of gravity.

9. Attraction: (Mysterious adhesion) Through some mysterious power the magician becomes, or causes something or someone else to become endowed with a power resembling magnetism.

10. Sympathetic Reaction: (Sympathetic response) A reaction of two or more persons, objects or persons and objects, showing sympathetic accord in harmony one with the other.

11. Invulnerability: (Injury proof) Demonstrations of resistance or proof against injury.

12. Physical Anomaly: (Contradictions, abnormalities, freaks) Exceptions or contradiction to normal physical rules or reactions.

13. Spectator Failure: (Magicians challenge) This includes all tricks where a spectator is unable to accomplish some apparently simple objective, implying the intervention of some mysterious power of the magician.

14. Control: (Mind over the inanimate) All effects where the mind of the performer seems to dominate, whether the subject be animate or inanimate.

15. Identification: (Specific discovery) Here discovery of an identity, regardless of the method of disclosure, is essential.

16. Thought Reading: (Mental perception, mind reading) In this division the essential is that the performer apparently reads the thought of another.

17. Thought Transmission: (Thought projections and transference) The essential is the projection of thought. In the former effect, another’s mind is "read". In this effect, one person projects his/her thoughts to another.

18. Prediction: (Foretelling the future) This includes all tricks where the future is foretold.

19. Extra-Sensory Perception [ESP]: (Unusual perception, other than mind) This classification is intended to include all types of abnormal perception other than through mental communications. [Magician holds spectators ring and reveals truths about the spectators past…something of that nature.]

**20. Skill. (Not included in list) This is not essentially a magical effect. This is a sensational demonstration of special training or the impression of special training. It is one of special training not one of mystery as to the method of accomplishment. [Flourishes, gambling demonstrations.]

To find out more information in more pain-staking detail, check out the Trick Brain by Dariel Fitzkee. All the above is credited to him.


Conjuring Club Members


Magic Quotes

"What the eyes sees, the ear hears, and the mind belives."

-Harry Houdini

"You dont get into magic...Magic gets into you."

-David Blaine

"Everyone deserves a shot....and some deserve to be shot."

-K.A. Applegate when refereing to a bad magician.

"There is a difference between Stand Up and Walk Around. If you ever tried to do it at the same time, you'd basically be doing Stand Around..."


"Never try to fool children, they expect nothing, and therefore see everything..."

-Harry Houdini

"For those who believe, no explanation is nesesary,
for those who do not, none would suffice."

-Joe Dunninger

"You try that sleight of hand on me I'll slit your throat."

-Mission Impossible

"You know you're a good magician when you simultaneously give yourself 52 paper cuts."

-Dante King

"Please select a card. No I don't have to see the card...I've already seen this trick..."

-Michael Ammar

" I will now make a scorpion appear in Osama bin Laden's pants"

-David Copperfield

Dumbo...The Magician???

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